
Thursday, 19 May 2011

Judgement day is 21st May 2011

Oh no, we have only two days left before God is coming to Judge the world. May 21st is the final whistle. The beginning of the end of this world. It will all start with two major earthquakes.  From then on things will get progressively worse until the final destruction of the earth by fire on 21st October 2011.  
This is our future according to founder and president of Family Radio, Harold Camping. He is quite serious about this as well. With the help of many other professing Christians, they have put together an international marketing campaign. Their mission, according to those that promote this terrible event, is to warn the people of the world.  Consider yourself warned. If you did not read their ads, or flyers, then you received the warning from this blog.
There is a deep yearning in the Christian heart for the coming of Jesus the Christ. Many members of the Christian family have in the past claimed to know the day of Jesus’ return. Like today, people sold their belongings because what is the use of having all that stuff when you are on your way to heaven. Many of those people at that time were extremely disappointed when the end of days came and went without event. It is quite possible that many of today’s group will be distraught on the 22nd of May as well.
The subject of the end of the world is an intriguing one. Whether we follow the Bible, Nostradamus, Mayan Calendar, or the prophet next door, the subject matter has the ability to draw us in and capture our imaginations.  The problem with all these predictions is there is no interrelation between them except that the world will end.   The world will end, of that there is no argument. When, is anyone’s prophecy? Out of all prophets claiming the end is coming, Barry Smith, put all predictions in perspective, he would have said it like this:
The world will end on the 21st of May 2011, either before that or after that, but end it will.

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