
Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Oh the Fickleness of Humanity

Last week saw Germany in an anxious rush to find the source of an e-coli outbreak. The scourge killed 16 people to date and have sickened over a thousand German people. They pointed the finger at Spain first, and banned imports of vegetables from that country. Germany’s first call proved to be wrong however, and it left Spain with over three hundred million dollars worth of fresh vegetables wasted. Spain’s farmers are, for obvious reasons, highly irate at the wrong diagnoses. 

Be that as it may, had the outbreak come from Spain they would have been too grateful to Germany for finding the source before it hit their own fellow citizens. The fact that the cucumbers were not the actual source of the e-coli should give all a reason to sigh in relief. If it were your country, would you not want them to stop it if they thought they found the source? What would Spain’s reaction have been were the tables turned. One can only wonder. 

Crops will grow again, but dead people will not rise from the grave. Therefore, those that judge Germany’s actions should consider this fact. The outrage is about the loss of money. They want to sue Germany. Fickle political agendas and a fickle group of people consider only the economics of these events. Has the world really fallen so far, is the value of money greater than human life?  What about the ill and dying people, do they not feature. Shame on you Spain, you have an emergency fund and by God, you can take out money to help your people.
The whimsicality continues with comments made by people on this subject.  One man says it is because we have farms and breed cattle that this stuff is happening. It should never have come to this. Populated cities and vast farmlands was never part of the design of nature for the planet. He is probably right, but what does it help, it is what it is, and right now, we need solutions. 

Another commentator said that maybe it is time to start looking at the chance of biological attacks. This could be a good conspiracy angle. However, it is only good for a good story. The mode of attack is too slow unless the terror group is trying to make a statement. The question that begs answering though is, why Germany?
Let us hope Germany can sort this problem, because if it spreads Europe might be in deep trouble. We all know if such a disaster struck Europe the economy would be affected, and with it all of us that live on the wonderful blue planet.   

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